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1. What if I have never tried anything fitness related? Will this work for me?

YES!! Every program is individualized based on your goals and experience. You might need 2 rounds of the 8 week program but you will see progress and meet your goals!


2. What if I do not see results?

If you stick to the program you WILL see results. Although I do not gurantee a certain amount of weight loss, these plans have proven to work and show amazing results. TRUST THE PROCESS!!


3. Can I do the exercises without a gym?

Yes!! I will ask you about your access to gym facilities, dumbbells, etc. We will work with the access that you have.


4. Are there weight or age requirements?

There are no physical requirements for the program. I will work with the information you give me to customize based on your age, weight, and health conditions.

The only age requirement is that you are over 18 years of age. This is for insurance liability purposes. 

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